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Aromatic Conscious Touch

5. October 2024

Workshop with Sabine Lau on 05.10.2024 from 4 pm

All Levels | 120 minutes | Teaching language: English

How intimate are you with your body?

How well you know her/him?

Touch is an innate need in humanity, most of us have forgotten the potency and simplicity of a safe and loving touch nowadays, and we become so afraid of it. We slowly lose connection with our body.

The physical body is a container of the inner world, you might be familiar with how the body feels, when you are sad, angry, stressful, anxious or joyful. As a channel of your thoughts, emotions, needs and longings, the body may express in form of pain, discomfort, inflammation, nervous breakdown and show up in body posture.

With the heavenly scent of the plant essence as the guide to open the heart gate, through inquiry and touch, this workshop gives you a space to sense and listen to your body language, be fully present to yourself.

Sabine Lau, heart-based bodyworker trained as an aromatherapist will guide you through a Meditation in Touch with essential oil.

Workshop with Sabine Lau on 05.10.2024 from 4 pm

All Levels | 120 minutes | Teaching language: English

How intimate are you with your body?

How well you know her/him?

Touch is an innate need in humanity, most of us have forgotten the potency and simplicity of a safe and loving touch nowadays, and we become so afraid of it. We slowly lose connection with our body.

The physical body is a container of the inner world, you might be familiar with how the body feels, when you are sad, angry, stressful, anxious or joyful. As a channel of your thoughts, emotions, needs and longings, the body may express in form of pain, discomfort, inflammation, nervous breakdown and show up in body posture.

With the heavenly scent of the plant essence as the guide to open the heart gate, through inquiry and touch, this workshop gives you a space to sense and listen to your body language, be fully present to yourself.

Sabine Lau, heart-based bodyworker trained as an aromatherapist will guide you through a Meditation in Touch with essential oil.